Every new participant is required to read and agree to the RISKS before providing any donations to the MMM Global Community.

Every viable system has its own pluses, minuses as well as risks and MMM is no difference. The most unfavorable thing that can happen to the MMM system, is its restart – restart in the event of a large-scale panic. Restarts in the Russian MMM occurred in 2011 and 2012, which was caused by both objective and subjective circumstances and reasons. However, it was not the collapse of the system, but only its restart. Immediately, everything starts over, and the participants have the opportunity to quickly recover their losses.

It requires a certain psychological strength and a breakup of stereotypes, but such decision is safe enough. In addition, there are special concessionary assistance programs offered to those who were affected by the change, in terms of the amount of interest, bonuses and deposit terms. Importantly – do not give up and do not despair – you just lost the first set, but not the whole game. Take as a rule – do not participate with critical sums for you – do not be greedy. And remember, it is not so important the increase of the amount of the contributed money as much as the growth of the number of participants. Under current conditions of the fund’s capitalization, in order to maintain the stability of the system, it is enough for each participant to bring one new member within one month.

Today, however, it can be said with certainty that the system’s development stage associated with restarts, is over. The pause mechanism has proven itself to be successful – pause for a short time (about 2 months) of the interest rate growth at the first sign of incipient panic, or due to not fast enough social expansion of the system. As the experience of the introduction of two pause periods in Russia showed, no one loses the money in this case – the invested nominal plus 10% can be received at any time, at the same time there can be still offered assistance. This mode was first tested in late 2013, when out of the system, traditionally, are derived significant amounts of money and the interbank transfer channels are narrowed. Freedom from fear of irreparable losses, increased optimism and confidence in the system gave rise to its accelerated development. As well, the amount of resources accumulated during the pause period enables to perform, if necessary, the “swapping” of the system by borrowing funds from traditional credit and financial institutions that are much slower , or, in the case of urgent need , transfer the reserves from countries with a higher growth dynamics of MMM.

Due to unprecedented dynamics, scale and innovation the MMM system, it is not excluded the appearance of other risks, including those inspired by its known or unknown opponents. Last threat of this kind, for example, was the massive input of fake accounts in spring 2014 – “trolls”, in order to fraudulently obtain bonuses or destabilize the work of the system. Such attempts, however, are quickly and easily removed by some software programming and a certain measures of control, at the same time supported by the participants having a high level confidence in the system. The development of its technical basis, along with the selection of qualified consultants and employees of the Control and Revision Office (CRO), reduce the risks associated with the human factor. In general, the safety of the MMM system will only increase as its activity expands, along with the growth of the turnover, geographical spread and awareness of participants about their responsibilities for its smooth functioning.

The MMM Community is built on the principles of mutual aid and benevolence. As a result, MMM is much more progressive than any other commercial company. In a commercial company, money is a goal. And if the company is not profitable, it goes bankrupt and closes down. MMM doesn’t keep money, but simply join together people willing to provide assistance to those who are willing to receive it. Therefore, MMM can’t go bankrupt. The founder and leaders of MMM are public figures. They regularly record video messages. Since January 10, 2011 MMM has never stopped its activity. It is impossible that one day MMM will close down and will cease to exist.

The main factor of MMM’s success is a continuous progressive growth of the active members of the Community who are actively engaged in the development of the system, and, in addition, request assistance not in the full amount, which they have available, but only the amount which they really need for their personal and family needs.

However, it is incorrect to say that the participation in MMM does not pose any risk. There are some risks! And we want to tell about them publicly and in detail. As you know, in the PO the Community member, after he/she has donated money, is awarded with the conventional unit – MMM’s, which constantly grows, and he/she also can see the maximum assistance which is allowed to request.

Theoretically it might happen that the participant asks for help, and this assistance is not provided (the order to receive money doesn’t come). This would occur if the total number of requests for assistance exceeded the amount of requests to provide assistance (in other words – more people want to get donations than to donate themselves).

The worst-case scenario in this situation is restart when the charged MMM’s are cancelled. In this case, the work of the Community is re-launched and all participants can continue to participate from zero. However, the members of the MMM Community have developed a lot of measures to avoid this scenario.

What measures are taken to provide reliable work of the MMM Community?

When the number of the Community members is growing, the pyramid scheme allows each participant to receive a larger amount of donation than he did. But a pyramid scheme is not very effective when growth rates are low and when a lot of participants have requested assistance at the same moment.

Therefore, MMM uses a number of other mechanisms to stabilize the Community work in such situations. They include:

1.                 Pause Mode. During the Pause Mode, the MMM’s accrued in the participant’s Personal Office     before the beginning of this mode, stop its growth. As the Pause Mode ends, the “old” MMM’s continue growing again, and you can get help. The Pause Mode can last for one to two months. While paused, you can exchange all the old MMM’s, but at a floating ratio.

2.                 Floating Ratio. If it is impossible to pay the requested amount fully to the participants, there can be introduced a special ratio and participants will receive assistance in part. For example, during the previous Pause Mode, it was allowed to exchange all MMM’s and get help, which would be 110% of that you had given.

3.                 Installment Receipts. MMM follows the rule – the order to receive money should come in half an hour after making the request. But in the difficult for the Community period, participants may not receive help immediately, but in parts (for example, each week they will receive an installment of 25% of the amount requested).

All the measures described above are the precautions for the future. Now MMM global is working successfully, and taking any of the pointed measures is not required!

Worst Case Scenario: RESTART MODE

If after above measures all fail and incoming donation is almost absent causing MMM to exhaust its resources and can no longer pay its obligation, a full restart is announced. The MMM's still accrued in the participant’s Personal Office will become zero.

What can I personally do for our Community security?

The Community members do not have any legal obligations and agreements. Taking part in the Community is a personal decision of each participant and his personal responsibility. There couldn’t be any guarantees and promises in principle. The work of the Community depends entirely on its members’ behavior. At the same time, there are a few simple tips and recommendations, which will make participation in MMM safer for you:

1.                 Don’t donate the sum which is critical for you. Remember: in MMM money is not invested, but donated by some participants to other ones. It is better to help with a little money, but to do it graciously and with all your heart.

2.                 Regularly give and ask for help. It is unwise to wait until the amount available for withdrawal, will be astronomically large, and then request the entire amount at once. It’s harmful for you and for the community as a whole. MMM was not created for enrichment, but for other purposes. It is safer to help weekly with a small amount (regard MMM as a piggy bank). Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance whenever it is necessary, but not more than you need. I.e. if you want to buy a TV for $1,000.00, you don’t have to request assistance for $10,000.00.

3.                 Tell others about MMM and invite them to the Community. As it has been mentioned earlier, the work of the Community wholly and fully depends on the activity and actions of its participants. MMM will work in a stable way if each participant invites just one new member per month. It is simple to tell about MMM – our Community is open to all people regardless of their status and income level. We are proud of what we are doing. And don’t forget to mention that MMM is a Community of mutual help, and not a way of making money.

4.                 Be positive to it. We want MMM to bring people only positive emotions. We want the members of our Community to be happy and share happiness with others. Be sincere with yourself and don’t venture a lot of money, so as not to worry later. On the Internet there are a lot of scam projects. And if you have visited MMM site for the first time, you will doubt: what’s true and what’s false. This is normal – you should always be careful and your decisions should always be conscious and-well-founded. If you have any questions, please contact our consultants.

Always remember that the MMM Community is developed by its participants. Our activity, kindness and creativity determine how comfortable and safe the Community will be!


MMM is NOT HYIP! This is a community of ordinary people selflessly helping each other; a kind of a "Global Fund" of mutual aid. This is the first sprout of something new in the modern soulless and ruthless world of greed and hard cash. The goal here is not the money alone. The goal is to challenge and destroy the world's unjust financial system until Financial Apocalypse happens. Before you join, be sure to be acquainted with our ideology. You also must have a clear understanding of this disclaimer and about the risks involved in doing MMM.

Always Remember:

In MMM there are no guarantees and promises! Neither Explicit nor implicit.

MMM is neither an investment nor business opportunity! Participants help each other, sending each other donation directly and without intermediaries. That’s all! There’s nothing more.

MMM does not have securities transactions, has no relationship with the professional participants of the securities market; you do not acquire any securities in MMM.

MMM have no rules. In principle, the only rule is no rules. At all! Even if you follow all the instructions, you may still “lose”. “Win” might not be paid, without any reasons or explanations.

In MMM there is a chance that you can lose all of your donation money. Always remember about this. Participate only with spare money that you can comfortably lose any time. Or better yet, do
not participate at all.

The MMM Community is developed by its participants.Our activity, kindness and creativity determine how comfortable and safe the Community will be!

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